Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

We started out our Thanksgiving break heading to Cleburne State Park.   We joined the Leavelle's and Dukes for another RV trip before Thanksgiving.   The kids had a ball riding bikes, fishing, climbing trees and just running around.  It was SO nice to take a break from screens!  We had breakfast and dinner outside even though it was very cold.  The leaves on the trees were actually changing color which we don't see too often.  I even bought a bike ahead of the trip and rode a little bit while there.  Each time was a little more comfortable.  It was very beautiful!  Just a nice time taking a break from life!

There was an open field that we played a little "baseball" on.  Adults and kids alike joined in!

My parents wanted to have Thanksgiving at their house this year so the kids and I headed over early Thanksgiving morning to help prepare lunch.  Ben joined us around noon and we ate a very delicious Thanksgiving lunch a short time later.  It was nice to take a break from having it at our house.  We came  home late that afternoon and just relaxed!  We decorated the day before so we just enjoyed some left overs and our Christmas decorations that evening.  

Monday, November 19, 2018

Our anniversary - #13

We went out for our anniversary the Friday before since we were leaving for our RV trip the next day.  We decided on sushi and a movie - Uniko and Instant Family.  Both were great!!  Its so hard to believe that 13 years have already gone by.  I can't imagine how fast the next 13 will go but they have been a great 13 years!  We are blessed beyond our imaginations and I am forever grateful for Ben, our love, our kids....our life.  God continues to guide us, allow us to fail with grace.  What more could we ask for!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

My parents 44th anniversary!

My parents celebrated their 44th anniversary!  They really both look so good!  44 years.....triumphs and tribulation alike...

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Cash's first dance - 6th grade

Cash had his first dance at school!  I was so excited for him!  Of course he didn't want me to be there as a "chaperone" but I did volunteer to sell tickets and I was apart of the fun no matter what!  He did ask his "girlfriend" Skyler to go with him and on his own offered to pay for her and wanted to make sure he had money to buy them both food/drinks at the dance.  I absolutely love seeing him build and maintain a relationship even at the very young age of, then, 11....almost 12.

A couple of weeks before the dance he was pretty steadfast on wearing joggers and shirt but that quickly changed when Skyler shared with him that she was wearing a dress.  She sent him pictures of dresses she was thinking of wearing and wanted to show them to me to see which dress I liked.  He ended up deciding on khakis and a nice shirt.  He looked SO handsome!

The dance was right after school so he just stayed and we picked him up at 6pm.  I of course was super eager to see them together and get a glimpse of Skyler as I had only seen a picture of her.  He walked her out so I did get to see her.  She is ADORABLE!

They had a great time!!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Cash's 12th Birthday

12!!!!  Again...where has the time gone?  We are quickly approaching teenage years and it already feels like we are there.  Cash is very smart, yet lazy....SO handsome, girls crazy about him, loyal, sweet, and 12 going on 22 (while being lazy).

We started Cash's birthday week with a movie...Halloween.  It was pretty good....scary...but not to gory...Cash enjoyed it!